Gold, Sparkles, Light: the entry into the Hermitage Museum.


Bet Ikea doesn’t carry the ‘Ja Gargoyle Scariest Ja’ in Beige.  Hermitage


Perfect Posture Stool, courtesy of Art Nouveau. Hermitage


The Russians were into gaudy gold long before Notorious BIG. Hermitage


Proof that the ‘Faux Mullet/Hawk ‘ was invented a long time ago…and then it actually worked! Hermitage


Morning Commute to work as a Sea God on a Sea Horse/Dragon. Makes the little Hybrid Prius seem a little…normal. Hermitage



Mega Scoop:  MegaTron’s Nerdy cousin.  Quarry, somewhere in Russia.


Mosquito Target/Hobbit Tent = perfect sleep after 13k hike on HoChiMin Tail






Morning Skinny Dipping! (or Dirty Hippie Shower)


To do: Make Fire.  Sit around fire.  Repeat.  Repeat while drinking vodka.


Men Pose while reveling in the making of a hot sauna fire.



Impromptu Sauna. Get Hot, beat each other with pine branches. Jump in lake.



Broccoli Stalk Trees, as seen from the Hammock.