To Boldly Cook What No Man Has Cooked Before: Egg/mushroom omelet with fried tomato center.



Aww, festive office decorations.



SPIBA Christmas Party.


The result of falling…after several hours and the following conversation with Dan: “Have you tried a Blue Lagoon?  Nope.  Have you tired a White Russian?  No.  Have you tried a Scarlett O’Hare?  Umm, No, lets order one of each!’

Recovery from the баня with Frankincense from Dubai.


Tasty 5pm meal of quiche, veggies, cheese, fresh bread, crisps, juice, coffee, liver pate!


Cookie dough so strong…

…I could pick the bowl up by the fork!

Oatmeal raisin cookies for the баня!

Crawfish sculpture. Always play with your food.

To the баня, posing in gnome hats..


…and Dan convinced an innocent bystander to try the ‘Toothpick trick’, when suddenly…..


…баня boy appeared, busting wicked poses…

and challenging Dan to a pose off!


Then he involved props…

…and gave us a taste of the 2012 баня Boy Calendar.


Exhausted from the heat and beer, Dan, Vitalik, Curt and баня boy take a break….


…and try out new ‘monkey moves’…



….when from the depths of the hottest sauna, appears баня Girl!


Busting a move so freshy fresh, it leaves everyone speechless!