An evening at the Erarta Museum!

Angles.  As requested.

Break for festive coffee, courtesy of orange umbrella drink topper.

Details of abstraction.

Little did you know, this is the first pictorial evidence of the ‘Screwing-in-the-Lightbulb’ dance ever recorded. This also happens to be Noah. Who knew the patriarchs had moves?

The burden of Christianity.


The day started with  breakfast *yawn*

Odd sign spottage.

You wouldn’t know it, but an embassy friend carries the official ‘Oh Shit!’ phone, which happens to be the blue/green one.

We went to Erarta Museum for a night of interactive art and speaking English (!!!) and found a guy crushed by Tetris.

Catch a smile!

Smashed in the middle of the event.

Really Really ridiculously good looking!


I look like a painting at the museum!

Our airplane dace made it into a contemporary art gallery!  Weeeeeeeeee!

Marbles as water droplets.

Dan was challenged in Tetris; popular opinion is that the boy kicked Dan’s ass. Rematch scheduled for next month.

Normal chess was played…

…Then not-so-normal chess, where…

…Daniel is a queen….

…and Dan is an irrelephant-Elephant!